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Emir Rodríguez Monegal
Curriculum Vitae


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1921, July 28

Born in Melo, Uruguay.



Research on Bello and English Romanticism at the British Museum, London, and Cambridge University on a British Council Scholarship.



The Facultad de Humanidades (Faculty of Letters), Montevideo, accepts his research on "Andrés Bello y el Romanticismo hispanoamericano", and recommends its publication. It is the equivalent of a Ph. D. thesis.



Continues research at the British Museum on Bello and English Romanticism on a grant given by the Consejo de Enseñanza Secundaria, Montevideo. A book on Andrés Bello will come out in 1969 as a result of this reseach.


1964, Spring

Visiting professor at El Colegio de México, México.


1965, Spring

Visiting professor at Harvard University, USA.


1968, Spring

Visiting scholar at the Center for Latin American Studies, Cambridge University.


1968, Fall

Visiting professor at Yale University, USA.


1969, Spring

Visiting scholar at the Center for Latin American Studies, Liverpool University, England.


1969, Fall

Appointed Professor of Latin American contemporary literature at Yale University, with tenure.



Chairman of the Latin American Studies program at Yale.



Associate Chairman of the Department of Romance Languages at Yale.



Chairman of the Spanish and Portuguese Department at Yale.



Visiting lecturer at the Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



Visiting lecturer at the UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil.



Visiting lecturer at the Pontificia Universidade Católica, São Paulo, Brazil.



Visiting professor at the USC, Los Angeles, California.
Visiting lecturer at the Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



Visiting lecturer at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.



Visiting professor at the Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



Visiting lecturer at the Facultade Ibero/Americana, São Paulo, Brazil.
Visiting Mellon Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.



Literary Career



Editor of the Literary section of Marcha, a Montevideo weekly.



Editor of Número, a literary magazine published in Montevideo.



Founder and editor of Mundo Nuevo, a literary monthly sponsored by the Ford Foundation and published in Spanish in Paris.



Member of the Editorial Board of Revista Iberoamericana. Sponsored by the Instituto de Literatura Iberoamericana and published by the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.



Consulting Editor of Review, a tri-quarterly published by the Center of Inter-American Relations, Inc., New York.





(I) Original work




José Enrique Rodó en el Novecientos.
Six essays on the Uruguayan essayist whose Complete Works were edited by ERM (1957).
Montevideo, Número, 1950. 99 pp.



José Lins do Rego y algunos problemas de la novela brasileña.
A study of the Brazilian novelist in the context of contemporary Brazilian narrative.
Montevideo, Instituto Cultural Uruguayo-Brasileño, 1952.



El juicio de los parricidas. La nueva generación argentina y sus maestros.
A study of the reception in Argentina of the works by Borges, Mallea and Martínez Estrada.
Buenos Aires, Deucalión, 1956. 108 pp.



Las raíces de Horacio Quiroga.
Six essays on the Uruguayan storyteller.
Montevideo, Asir, 1961. 169 pp. Second Edition: Montevideo, Alfa, 1961. 169 pp.



Narradores de esta América.
A collection of seventeen essays on some of the most important fiction writers of contemporary Latin American Literature.
Montevideo, Ediciones Alfa, 1961. 195 pp.
Second edition, considerably enlarged to cover some thirty writers:
Vol. I: Los maestros de la novela.
Montevideo, Ediciones Alfa, 1969. 359 pp.
Vol. II: Los nuevos novelistas.
Buenos Aires, Editorial Alfa Argentina, 1974. 465 pp.



Eduardo Acevedo Díaz. Dos versiones de un mismo tema.
A study of two novels by the Uruguayan writer.
Montevideo, Río de la Plata, 1963. 50 pp.



Ingmar Bergman. Un dramaturgo cinematográfico.
A study on the films of the Swedish author, written with Homero Alsina Thevenet.
Montevideo, Renacimiento, 1964. 125 pp. Illustrated.



El Viajero Inmóvil. Introducción a Pablo Neruda.
A study of Neruda's life and poetry.
Buenos Aires, Editorial Losada, 1966. 348 pp.
Second edition, enlarged and updated:
Monte Avila, in Caracas, 1976.
French translation:
Neruda. Le Voyageur Inmobile. Translated by Bernard Lelong.
Paris, Gallimard, 1973.



Literatura uruguaya del medio siglo.
A study of contemporary Uruguayan literature.
Montevideo, Ediciones Alfa, 1966. 436 pp.



Montevideo y Punta del Este, Uruguay.
Introduction and Notes by ERM.
An illustrated guide to Uruguay.
Montevideo, Colombo, 1967. 82 pp.

Genio y figura de Horacio Quiroga.
An illustrated life of HQ.
Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 1967. 191 pp.



El desterrado. Vida y obra de Horacio Quiroga.
A study of Quiroga's life and short stories.
Buenos Aires, Editorial Losada, 1968. 303 pp.

Vínculo de sangre.
A study of Eduardo Acevedo Díaz' historical novels.
Montevideo, Ediciones Alfa, 1968. 180 pp.

El arte de narrar.
A collection of interviews with leading Hispanic prose fiction writers.
Caracas, Monte Avila, 1968. 311 pp.
Second edition: 1977.



El otro Andrés Bello.
A study of Bello's literary life and work. Updates and research done in Cambridge (1950-51) and London (British Museum, 1957-60).
Caracas, Monte Avila, 1969. 472 pp.



Borgès par lui même.
An introduction to the life and works of JLB.
Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1970. 188 pp. Illustrated. Second edition:

Spanish translation done by ERM and considerably enlarged and updated:
Borges por él mismo.
Caracas, Monte Avila, 1979. Second edition: Barcelona, Laia, 1984.

Tres testigos españoles de la guerra civil.
A study of the war novels of Ramón J. Sender, Arturo Barea and Max Aub.
Caracas, Monte Avila, 1970.



El Boom de la novela latinoamericana.
A critical study of the new Latin American novel.
Caracas, Tiempo Nuevo, 1972.



Borges: Hacia una poética de la lectura.
A study of Borges' Poetics.
Barcelona, Guadarrama, 1976. 127 pp.
Portuguese translation: Borges Uma poética da leitura.
Translated by Irlemar Chiampi.
São Paulo, Perspectiva, 1980.



Jorge Luis Borges: A literary Biography.
A biographical study of the Argentine master.
New York, Dutton, 1978. 502 pp. Illustrated.
Italian translation: Milano, Feltrinelli, 1982.
French translation: Paris, Gallimard, 1983.
Spanish translation: Jorge Luis Borges: una biografía literaria.
México, Fondo de Cultura Económica (to be published in 1985).
The Italian translation won the 1983 Comisso Prize for Biography in Treviso, Italy.



Mário de Andrade/Borges. Um diálogo de textos.
A study of the literary relationship between these two writers.
With unpublished documents.
São Paulo, Perspectiva, 1980.



(II) Books edited by ERM



La literatura uruguaya del Novecientos.
A compilation of essays and documents, previously published in an special issue of Número (1950).
Montevideo, Número, 1950. 340 pp.

Horacio Quiroga: Diario de Viaje a París.
Edited from the Ms. with an Introduction and Notes by ERM.
Montevideo, Número, 1950. 137 pp.



José Enrique Rodó. Obras completas.
The Complete Works, edited by ERM, with an Introduction. Prologues and Notes. Madrid, Aguilar, S.A. de Ediciones, 1957, 1481 pp.
Second edition, enlarged, by the same publisher, 1968.



José Enrique Rodó: Páginas.
An anthology of JER's narrative texts, with an Introduction.
Buenos Aires, EUDEBA, 1963, 139 pp.



El cuento uruguayo.
An anthology of Uruguayan short-stories, with an Introduction.
Buenos Aires, EUDEBA, 1966. 134 pp.

Juan Carlos Onetti: Los rostros del amor.
An anthology of Onetti's erotic texts with an Introduction.
Montevideo, Cuaderno Oriental.



Juan Carlos Onetti. Novelas y cuentos completos.
Edited with an Introduction by ERM, 9-41 pp.
México, Aguilar, 1970.



The Borzoi Anthology of Latin American Literature.
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by ERM, with the assistance of Thomas Colchie.
New York, Knopf, 1977, 2 Vols. Second edition, 1983-1984.



Maestros hispánicos del siglo veinte.
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by ERM, with the assistance of Suzanne Jill Levine.
New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.



Pablo Neruda.
A collection of critical essays on P. N., edited by ERM with assistance of Enrico-Mario Santí.
Madrid, Taurus, 1980. 322 pp.



Die Neue Welt. (The New World)
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by ERM.
An Anthology of Colonial literary texts and documents.
Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1982.

Borges: A Reader
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by ERM, with the assistance of Alastair Reid.
New York, Dutton, 1982. 368 pp.
Spanish translation: Borges: Ficcionario.
México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1984.



Noticias públicas y secretas de América.
An anthology of colonial literary texts and documents which considerably enlarges a previous collection. Die Neue Welt (1982).
Barcelona, Tusquets, 1984. Illustrated.



(III) Books with prologues by ERM:



Eduardo Acevedo Díaz: Nativa.
With an Introduction by ERM.
Montevideo, Biblioteca Artigas, 1964.

Eduardo Acevedo Díaz: Grito de Gloria.
With an Introduction by ERM, xxxiv pp.
Montevideo, Biblioteca Artigas, 1964.



Eduardo Acevedo Díaz: Lanza y sable.
With an Introduction by ERM, XLIV pp.

Horacio Quiroga: Historia de un amor turbio.
With an Introduction by ERM.
Montevideo, Biblioteca Artigas.



João Guimaraes Rosa: Primeras Historias.
With an Introduction by ERM, 7-19 pp.
Barcelona, Seix Barral, 1969.



Jorge Luis Borges: Evaristo Carriego.
With an Introduction by ERM, 5-8 pp.
Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1970. Second edition: 1984.



Rita Guibert: Seven Voices. Seven Latin American Writers Talk to R.G.
With an Introduction by ERM, xi-xiv pp.
New York, Knopf, 1972. Second edition: 1973.
Spanish translation: México, Novaro, 1974.



Gloria Durán: La magia y las brujas en la obra de Carlos Fuentes.
With an Introduction by ERM. 5-8 pp.
Mexico, UNAM, 1976.
English translation: The Archetypes of Carlos Fuentes.
Hamden, Archon Books, 1980.



L. Block de Behar

A. Rodríguez Peixoto

S. Sánchez Castro

Diseño y realización:
F. Sclavo - A. Schjaer


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