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New York Times - Noticia necrológica
November 19, 1985

Emir Rodriguez Monegal, director of graduate studies in Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University, died Thursday at the university's Health Services infirmary in New Haven. He was 64 years old and lived in New Haven.

A member of the Yale faculty since 1969, Professor Rodriguez Monegal, who was born in Melo, Uruguay, wrote several books, including a literary biography of Jorge Luis Borges, the Argentine writer, and edited several magazines on Latin literature.

Before joining the Yale faculty, he was a visiting professor at El Colegio de Mexico and Harvard University, and a visiting scholar at the Center for Latin American Studies at Liverpool University in England. While at Yale, he was a visiting professor at the University of Southern California, the University of Pittsburgh and the Universidade Federal in Rio de Janeiro.

Professor Rodriguez Monegal is survived by his wife, Selma Calasans Rodriguez, and three children: Joaquin Rodriguez Nebot of Mexico City, Alejandro Rodriguez of Montevideo, Uruguay, and Georgina Rodriguez Nebot of Stockholm.




L. Block de Behar

A. Rodríguez Peixoto

S. Sánchez Castro


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