Himno nacional del Uruguay. Letra de Acuña de Figueroa
Himno nacional del Paraguay. Letra de Acuña de Figueroa
The African Mother, by Francisco Acuña de Figueroa. LibriVox. Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain. Pan-American Poems: an anthology, translated by Agnes Blake Poor (1842 - 1922). In this anthology, Agnes Blake Poor introduces to the American public a collection of Latin American poets in translation. The poems are organized by country of origin, and present a variety of subjects and meters, aptly translated into English verse by Agnes Poor herself.
Maggi y Williman: Una discusión imperdible sobre el Himno Nacional y Francisco Acuña de Figueroa
Himno uruguayo por No te va a gustar
Himno uruguayo por Zurdo Bessio, murguista